To enable a better evaluation of the proposals, applicants are required to provide two referees. The referees should be able to comment on the proposal’s significance and on the applicant’s abilities to hold a plenary presentation. Applicants may also share links to videos of previous presentations. If needed, applicants may be requested to participate in conference calls with members of the Scientific Committee in order to discuss their proposal.
If successful, your presentation will be included in one of the ESSSB18 Plenary Sessions. The Scientific Committee aims at including one presentation selected from this call in each session (six in total). However, a final decision will be dependent on the quality of the submissions.As a Plenary Speaker you will be entitled to free registration to the conference and to two nights of hotel accommodation.
For more information about the submission’s procedures, please see the “Guidelines for submission“.
If you have any questions concerning the application process, please do not hesitate to contact