Country List C

Country List C – Lower-middle and low income countries

The country lists are based upon the official classification of the World Bank and refers to your work and correspondence address.

For further information regarding the country classification, please see the World Bank Open Data

Afghanistan Guinea-Bissau Pakistan
Angola Haiti Papua New Guinea
Bangladesh Honduras Philippines
Benin India Rwanda
Bhutan Indonesia São Tomé and Principe
Bolivia Kenya Senegal
Burkina Faso Kiribati Sierra Leone
Burundi Korea, Dem. People’s Rep. Solomon Islands
Cabo Verde Kyrgyz Republic Somalia
Cambodia Lao PDR South Sudan
Cameroon Lesotho Sudan
Central African Republic Liberia Syrian Arab Republic
Chad Madagascar Tajikistan
Comoros Malawi Tanzania
Congo, Dem. Rep. Mali Timor-Leste
Congo, Rep. Mauritania Togo
Côte d’Ivoire Micronesia, Fed. Sts. Tunisia
Djibouti Moldova Uganda
Egypt, Arab Rep. Mongolia Ukraine
El Salvador Morocco Uzbekistan
Eritrea Mozambique Vanuatu
Eswatini Myanmar Vietnam
Ethiopia Nepal West Bank and Gaza
Gambia, The Nicaragua Yemen, Rep.
Ghana Niger Zambia
Guinea Nigeria Zimbabwe